22–28 Aug 2018
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Proton resonance scattering of a shape-coexistence nucleus $^{118}$Sn

22 Aug 2018, 16:10
Nishina Hall

Nishina Hall

Hirosawa 2-1, Wako 351-0198, Japan
oral contribution YSS


Ms Rieko Tsunoda (Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo)


It is well known that shape coexistence was observed in stable even-even Sn(Z=50) nuclei, and the even-odd neighboring nucleus may have a hint of the structure. So far, some single-particle like states in Sn were observed by measuring (d,p) reaction on Sn. Though the isobaric analog resonances corresponding to the low-lying states in Sn were already measured for the spectroscopic information on Sn, there are some missing resonances expected from (d,p) reaction. It is necessary to measure the excitation function of proton-elastic resonance scattering with the wide energy range to understand the structure of $^{119}$Sn. The proton resonance elastic scattering on Sn yields the spectroscopic information of the single particle state coupled to the ground-state of Sn.
The experiment was carried out at the tandem accelerator facility in Kyushu University. An enriched $^{118}$Sn target was irradiated by a proton beam while varying the beam energy from 7 to 10 MeV. The reaction channel was identified by the outgoing angle and energy of scattered protons measured by single-sided silicon strip detectors placed at 140-160°.

Primary author

Ms Rieko Tsunoda (Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo)


Prof. Nobuaki Imai (Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo) Prof. Takashi Teranishi (Department of Physics, Kyushu University) Dr Masanori Dozono (Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo) Mr Kotaro Iribe (Department of Physics , Kyushu University) Mr Noritaka Kitamura (Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo) Satoshi Sakaguchi (Kyushu University) Mr Sakai Hidemitsu (Department of Physics, Kyushu University) Mr Taishi Kubo (Department of Physics, Kyushu University) Mr Kazuki Ueno (Department of Physics, Kyushu University) Ms Mako Osada (Department of Physics, Kyushu University)

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